Friday, June 29, 2007

Brief: Mid-prom swap plays havoc

It was more than a little mischief at Woodward High School's Prom this past Tuesday night in Bethesda, MD. Students were eager to forget the stress of their final exams and upcoming graduation and spend the night dancing. Liam Wheeler was there with his date, Deedee Brooks. Wheeler's twin sister, Laura was also there with her boyfriend, valedictorian Jay Stroman.

It was not long into the night when Liam suddenly found himself swapped - leaning over the girl's room sink, fixing his sister's make-up!

"It was embarrassing," she pouts, "And I had to fight off that twerp [Jay's] advances all night!"

The abrupt swap forced the two to call it a night early, despite plans previously arranged by both parties.

"I was gonna take Deedee to Butchie Michaels' party," grins the lipgloss-wearing blonde Liam.

The sister who now inhabits Liam's body sadly admits, "Jay had gotten us a hotel room. I don't know what we would have done in it, I really don't, but obviously I wasn't in much of a mood for it by the end of the night."

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